Scholarships and insurance
The doctoral scholarship is awarded for a period of 12 months, starting in October. The total period of receiving it at the Doctoral School may not exceed 4 years. However, this period does not include the period of suspension of education at the Doctoral School. Pursuant to Art. 209 section 4 of the Law on Higher Education and Science, the amount of the monthly doctoral scholarship is at least: 37% of the professor's remuneration - until the month in which the mid-term evaluation was carried out; 57% of the professor's salary - after the month in which the mid-term evaluation was carried out.
Amount of the doctoral scholarship
Order No. 67 of the Rector of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin of September 16, 2024 on the amount of the doctoral scholarship at the Doctoral School of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin (effective from the academic year 2024/2025)
- PDF document
(format: pdf, rozmiar: 101 kB)
Conditions and procedure for awarding a doctoral scholarship
Order No. 50 of the Rector of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin of April 27, 2021 (as amended) on the conditions and procedure for granting a doctoral scholarship to doctoral students at the Doctoral School at ZUT and determining its amount (effective from the academic year 2021/2022)
- Word document (format: docx, rozmiar: 37 kB)
Applications for a doctoral scholarship are submitted to the Director of the Doctoral School on the following dates:
- until October 10 – first-year doctoral students,
- until September 15 – 2nd-4th year doctoral students.
Ubezpieczenia i składki
Doctoral students who started their education at doctoral schools in the 2019/2020 academic year at the earliest and receive a doctoral scholarship are subject to mandatory pension, disability and accident insurance.
Sickness insurance is voluntary and is covered at the request of the doctoral student.