Doctoral School Council

Appointment of the Doctoral School Council for the term of office 2024-2028

Ordinance no. 83 of the Rector of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin of 3 October 2024 on the appointment of the WPUT Doctoral School Council for the term of office 2024-2028

The Doctoral School Council is hereby established for the 2024-2028 term, consisting of:

1) prof. Ph.D. engineer Magdalena Janus – director of the Doctoral School – chairwoman

2) prof. Ph.D. engineer Agata Markowska-Szczupak – deputy chairman

3) Ph.D. engineer Katarzyna Zwarycz-Makles, prof. ZUT – representative for education at the Doctoral School

Representatives of scientific discipline councils:

a) Ph.D. engineer arch. Paweł Rubinowicz, prof. ZUT – architecture and urban planning

b) prof. Ph.D. engineer Krzysztof Okarma – automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technologies

c) Ph.D. Katarzyna Cheba – prof. ZUT economics and finance

d) Ph.D. engineer Radosław Mantiuk, prof. ZUT – technical informatics and telecommunications

e) prof. Ph.D. engineer Zofia Lendzion-Bieluń – chemical engineering

f) Ph.D. engineer Terasa Rucińska, prof. ZUT – civil engineering, geodesy and transport

g) prof. Ph.D. engineer Mirosława El Fray – materials engineering

h) Ph.D. engineer Krzysztof Danilecki, prof. ZUT – mechanical engineering

i) Ph.D. engineer Joanna Podlasińska, prof. ZUT – environmental engineering, mining and energy

j) prof. Ph.D. engineer Elżbieta Filipek – chemical sciences

k) Ph.D. engineer Paweł Milczarski prof. ZUT – agriculture and horticulture

l) Ph.D. Renata Jackowiak, prof. ZUT – fine arts and conservation of works of art

m) prof. Ph.D. engineer Artur Bartkowiak – food and nutrition technology

n) prof. Ph.D. engineer Małgorzata Ożgo – zootechnics and fisheries

5) M.Eng. Paulina Góra – representative of the Doctoral Students' Self-Government