General Informations

International Conference organized by the Government of the URK Doctoral School 19.02.2025 13:28

In connection with the organization of the scientific conference - 11th International Conference for Young Researchers – ICYR, titled "Next-Gen Researchers: Young Scientists in Action", which will take place on June 3–5, 2025, at the Congress Center of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Agriculture in Krakow (al. 29 Listopada 46, 31-425 Krakow), we would like to extend a warm invitation to Master’s students planning to pursue PhD studies, PhD students, and Doctors up to the age of 35 to participate in the conference.

As an introduction, this is yet another edition of the conference organized by the Doctoral Student Council of the University of Agriculture in Krakow, which has been gaining increasing interest every year, both among participants from Poland and abroad. This event serves not only as a platform for presenting research results of young scientists but also as a space for exchanging experiences and establishing international research collaborations.

The conference is held under the Honorary Patronage of the Rector of the Hugon Kołłątaj University of Agriculture in Krakow - Sylwester Tabor, BEng, PhD, DSc, Prof. URK.

We invite PhD students and Young Doctors from the following disciplines:

Economics and Finance,
Civil Engineering, Geodesy and TransportMechanical,
Environmental Engineering, Mining and Energy,
Biological Sciences,
Forestry Sciences,
Agriculture and Horticulture,
Food Technology and Nutrition,
Veterinary Medicine,
Animal Science and Fisheries.

Key information:

Participation in the conference for Master’s students, PhD students, and Doctors up to 35 years of age is subject to a fee, with the conference fee as follows:

  • Without accommodation – 400 PLN;
  • With accommodation – 700 PLN*;

*including full board.

Rates in Euros will be calculated according to the exchange rate applicable on the registration date.

The registration form is attached.

The deadline for submitting applications along with abstracts for the Book of Abstracts is April 27, 2025.

Each participant will receive a Certificate of Participation in the International Conference and a Book of Abstracts with an ISBN number after attending the conference.

Additional information can be found at:

For any inquiries regarding the conference, please contact us at:

We look forward to your participation!